Investigating the dam failure process and associated risks: A case study of Doroudzan dam
Subject Areas : Analysis, design and construction of water structures
1 - Department of Civil Engineering, Sepidan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sepidan, Iran.
Keywords: Dam Failure, Earth Dam, MIKE 21 Model, Numerical method,
Abstract :
Dam failures pose significant risks to human communities, as these critical structures are essential for water resource management and energy production. Consequently, any failure can result in substantial loss of life and property. This study examines the factors contributing to dam failures, specifically focusing on the Doroudzan earth dam, which plays a vital role in regional water supply and agriculture. The purpose of this study is to investigate the dam failure process and associated risks: A case study of Doroudzan dam. MIKE 21 software was employed to analyze these risks and provide detailed numerical modeling. MIKE 21 enables precise simulation of water flow and structural behavior under various scenarios, facilitating a comprehensive assessment of potential dam failure impacts on downstream areas.
The results indicate that failure of the Doroudzan earth dam could lead to catastrophic flooding, causing widespread damage to downstream communities. Simulations highlight that residential areas, agricultural lands, and critical infrastructure are particularly vulnerable, emphasizing the need for optimal dam design and proactive risk management measures. Raising community awareness about dam failure risks and promoting emergency preparedness through regular drills can further mitigate human and financial losses. This study underscores that adopting scientific approaches and leveraging advanced technologies such as MIKE 21 can significantly reduce the adverse effects of dam failures, helping to protect lives and minimizing property damage.
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