Political participation of young women in Mazandaran province and social and cultural factors affecting it
Subject Areas : Sociological Studies of Youth
zeynab Soltani
Abolghasem Heidarabadi
Manouchehr Pahlavan
Fatemeh Hashemnejad Abresi
1 - PhD student in Political Sociology, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
Keywords: Political participation, sense of social security, political socialization, social capital, youth.,
Abstract :
Political participation is one of the most important political and social behaviors of individuals that can play an important role in the process of socio-political development of society. Women, as half of the human population, can have an important impact on the socio-political activities of the country. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate and study the socio-cultural factors affecting women's political participation in Mazandaran. The views of Robert Putnam, Habermas, Lerner, Milbrath, and Lipset were chosen as the theoretical framework. The research method is a survey and the unit of analysis is women ages 18 to 39 years old. The sampling method is a multi-stage cluster and the sample size is 384 people according to the Cochran formula. The data collection tool is a researcher-made questionnaire. The data analysis method is Pearson's correlation coefficient and multivariate regression analysis using SPSS software. Face validity was used to measure validity, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the dependent variable of political participation was equal to 0.885.
The findings showed that the average political participation in the two dimensions of objective and subjective political participation was at an average level. About 8.9% of them considered their political participation to be very low. About 17.7% considered their political participation to be low, about 33.8% considered their political participation to be moderate, about 21.4% considered their political participation to be high, and about 14.6% considered their political participation to be very high. There is a positive and direct relationship between the variables of feeling of social security, political socialization, and the amount of social capital and the amount of political participation in the two dimensions of objective and subjective political participation. Regression analysis shows that 32.3% of the changes in women's political participation are related to independent variables. The most explanation of the variance and changes in women's political participation belongs to the variables of political socialization and social capital, respectively. As a result, strengthening and raising the level of social capital, socialization and political acceptance, as well as a sense of social security, can play a significant role in young women's attitudes towards the level of political participation in the dimensions of subjective political participation and objective political participation, and encourage young women living in the cities of Mazandaran province to increase political participation.
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