InvInvestigating the impact of diversity management on the performance of football players in Iran's Premier Football League clubs
Subject Areas : Public Administration
abdul rahim khodajo
مسعود نادریان جهرمی
حسین دست برحق
Mohammad Sadiq Afrozeh
1 - مدیرکل ورزش و جوانان
2 - Corresponding author, Department of Sports Management, Faculty of Sports Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3 - دکترای تخصصی، تربیت بدنی و علوم ورزشی: فیزیولوژی ورزشی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد جهرم
4 - Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom, Iran
Keywords: Football Premier League, sports performance, proactive diversity management, reactive diversity management.,
Abstract :
Effective diversity management, whether social or cultural, does not only lead to comparison with others and their differences, but also includes the recognition of common goals and interests, and sports organizations are not exempt from the increasing diversity and its effects, and sports are one of the main sectors. which deals with the multiplicity of relationships between people from races, cultures, social situations, physical and mental characteristics, economic conditions, etc., relying on the theories of social cohesion, the purpose of this research was the effect of diversity management on the performance of football players in Iran's Premier Football League clubs. . In terms of practical purpose, this research is based on descriptive-survey data collection.The statistical population was all the players of the teams present in the premier football league (N=480) and 214 people were determined using Cochran's formula and were selected as available. In order to collect data, the standard questionnaires of Fink et al. (2003) were used to measure diversity management and the sports performance scale of Charbanio et al. (2001). A structure was used in AMOS software, the findings showed that in general, sports performance is affected by diversity management, but the impact of each component of diversity management on the sports performance of players is different. While the impact of reactive diversity management and active diversity management on athletes' performance was positive and significant. Based on the results, if the management approach towards diversity is more active and flexible in the clubs of the Premier Football League of Iran, we can expect more improvement in the performance level of the athletes .
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