The social status of women from the perspective of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, based on the analysis of events in the life of Nosayba bint Ka'b
Subject Areas : فقه و تاریخ تمدّنAmirHosain MansouriNouri 1 , seyed Ali Hoseini 2
1 - shahid rajaii
2 - Meravi seminary
Keywords: Nosayba bint Ka'b, women's social presence, women's allegiance, women's participation in war, women's participation in public worship,
Abstract :
Considering the sensitivity of women's presence in society from the perspective of Muslims, the present study seeks to answer the main question, "What is the social position of women from the perspective of the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, based on the analysis of events in Nosayba the life of Nosayba bint Ka'b?" It has taken shape. The authors of this essay have come to the conclusion by describing and analyzing the events of Nosayba's life with the help of the library, that due to the lack of a narrative stating the displeasure of the Prophet of Islam, peace and blessings be upon him, as well as the fact that there is no authentic historical narration that prevents the presence of Nosayba and other women. In the community, the presence of women has been without problems and even necessary in some cases from the perspective of the Prophet of Islam.For history-based analysis,historians are interested in identifying effective men and women in it; The role of history-making women has always been effective in the analysis of history, especially when this history leads to Masoom (peace be upon him). Because the social behavior of women is visible and in the view of the innocents and the way the innocents interact with these behaviors can clarify the social position of women and can be referred to religion. Therefore, it will be very important to deal with the role of women in the society. Despite everyone's recognition of this importance and necessity, unfortunately,the social role of women at the forefront of Islam has not been addressed as it should, therefore it is necessary to conduct research on these people and this segment of society.There are women in the history of Islam whose names and fame have been heard less,but their effect and performance in their own time and society have shone more than their names. One of these role-playing women was Nosayba bint Kaab, who was present in political relations, wars and social activities and did effective work. Analyzing her personality in the context of the history of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, can answer the main question of the present article,"How is the analysis of the social status of women from the perspective of the Prophet, peace be upon him, relying on the role of Nosayba bint Ka'b at the beginning of Islam?"
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