Presenting the model of heroic behavior of the employees of the country's real estate and document registration organization with thematic analysis approach
Subject Areas : Managementshahram Akbari 1 , farshd Haj alian 2 , mansoreh Moradi haghighi 3 , Nilofar Imankhan 4
1 - PhD student, Department of Public Administration, Firouzkoh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Firouzkoh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (in charge of correspondence)
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Firouzkoh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Firouzkoh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Managers, Organization of Records and Real Estate of the country, heroic behavior,
Abstract :
employees are known as its most important capital and added value.The heroic and valuable behavior of employees can be the main root of the growth and excellence of the country's real estate registration organization.Therefore, the purpose of the research is to provide a model of heroic behavior of the employees of the country's Property and Deed Registration Organization.In this regard,the current research was conducted with a qualitative approach and in terms of its purpose,it is among applied researches and using thematic analysis method.In this research,by conducting semi-structured interviews with 51 experts,including professors,senior managers,and specialists,information was collected through purposeful sampling.Then,using thematic analysis method,the information extracted from the texts and interviews were categorized and analyzed.Reliability was checked and confirmed using the method of two coders and open reliability of the test.In order to calculate the level of agreement,the Kappa coefficient was used,and its value was0.51,which indicates acceptable reliability.Also,to ensure the validity of the research,in addition to applying the researcher's sensitivity strategy in the research process,the findings were provided to3 academic experts.obtained and confirmed.The results showed that the heroic behavior of the employees of the country's property and documents registration organization should have characteristics such as organizational factors and individual factors.They were classified into53 primary codes,53 basic themes and2 organized themes.The heroic behavior of the employees of this organization shows their commitment and responsibility towards the people and the country.Their valuable services in the field of document and real estate registration play an essential role in the order and security of the society.
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