The Effect of Two Indicators of Culture Medium and Environmental Humidity in Increasing the Production Rate of Secondary Metabolite Psilocybin in Two Cultivars of The Medicinal Mushroom Strophoria Cubensis
Subject Areas : Sustainable production technologiesmohamad Hoseini 1 , Nadeali Babaeia 2 , Hamid Najafi Zarrini 3
1 - Master's Degree, Agricultural Biotechnology, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Mazandaran, Iran
2 - Professor Tama, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Mazandaran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Sari University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Keywords: Medicinal mushroom, psilocybin, culture medium, effect of humidity,
Abstract :
Arches are known as one of the main decomposers of organic substances in nature, which can decompose a wide range of natural substances, including cellulose and lignin, into organic substances. The humidity in two cultivars of Stropharia cubensis was The experiment was conducted as a factorial in a completely randomized design. The treatments included two different cultivars from the P. cubensis family, two humidity levels and three types of culture media. The substrate had a significant effect on the psilocybin content in the mushroom. Moisture stress strongly affected the content of psilocybin (Psilocybin) and the growth density of mushrooms. The cultivar Albino A+ in ideal humidity with a numerical average of 66% compared to the same cultivar in the studied humidity had the highest amount of total fresh weight in this grouping. The results indicated that in conditions of moisture stress, the first cultivar (Golden Cap) is better than The second digit (Albino A+) has worked. The highest amount of psilocybin was seen in the second variety and the substrate containing peat moss and plant fibers. The results of this study showed that the culture medium had a significant effect on the content of psilocybin in the mushroom. It was also observed that moisture stress strongly affected the content of psilocybin and the growth density of mushrooms. In this research, the cultivation substrate and ideal humidity in both cultivars increased the growth density of mushrooms. The best performance compared to the tested variables was seen in the substrate containing peat moss, saturated moisture and Albino A+ variety.
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