A Comparative Study of Experiential Learning Cycle in Human and Nonhuman Environments: Critical Thinking, Reading Comprehension, and Vocabulary Development
Subject Areas : Comparative Literature Studies
somayeh sahebalzamani
Amin Naeimi
Mehry Haddad Narafshan
1 - Azad University/ English Department/ Maybod Branch
2 - English Department, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran
3 - English Department, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: critical thinking, experiential learning, reading comprehension, teacher mediator, technology mediator,
Abstract :
Educational experts posit that technology-based experiences can augment students’ academic performance and foster their critical thinking ability. In this study, the efficacy of human-mediated and non-human-mediated environments was compared in terms of Kolb’s experiential learning cycle, concerning the critical thinking, reading comprehension, and vocabulary development of young English language learners. Over a period of four months, two groups of 60 learners (30 in each group) were exposed to mediation via two modalities: teacher-made and computer-made mediators. Pre-tests and post-tests were deployed to gauge learners’ progress in critical thinking, reading comprehension, and vocabulary development. The findings evinced those learners who received technology-mediated instruction outperformed the teacher-mediated group in terms of critical thinking, vocabulary development, and reading comprehension. It is evident that learners who interacted with a computer mediator trumped those who interacted with a human-made mediator, i.e., the teacher. This could be attributed to the alluring features of non-human mediators (technology), which are evidently more compelling than their human counterparts.
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