The role of the culture of self-sacrifice and martyrdom on the feeling of social security mediated by spiritual intelligence
Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural Management
aghil rastegari
maryam hafezian
1 - MSc. Department of Educational Management, Bijnourd branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd, Iran
2 - Assistant professor ,Department of Management,Adib Mazandaran Institute of higher education ,Sari, Iran
Keywords: The culture of sacrifice and martyrdom, spiritual intelligence, social security,
Abstract :
Introduction and Objective: In this study, the effect of the culture of self-sacrifice and martyrdom in relation to the feeling of social security with the mediating role of spiritual intelligence was examined in the form of a causal model. Method:The statistical population of the study consisted of all employees of the organization of the martyr Foundation of North Khorasan Province in 160 people who were selected by stratified random sampling of 113 persons according to Morgan's Curriesi Journal (1972). To collect data from social security questionnaires, self-sacrifice culture And martyrdom and spiritual intelligence were used. The reliability of the questionnaires was ./83, ./90, and ./92 respectively, indicating high validity and reliability of the questionnaire. In order to analyze the hypotheses of the research, the structural model method has been used with the help of Lisrel software. Findings: The results of the structural equation model showed that the culture of self-sacrifice and martyrdom with a value of 0.54 affects the feeling of social security and the culture of self-sacrifice and martyrdom with a value of 0.48 affects spiritual intelligence and spiritual intelligence with a value of 0.36 affects the feeling of social security. Conclusion: The results showed that by strengthening the culture of self-sacrifice and martyrdom, the feeling of social security has also increased, in which spiritual intelligence plays a positive mediating role.
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