Semiotics of Head Motifs in the Historical Context of Tehran Based on Chandler Codes
Subject Areas : Art
Sara Sadat Miri
Firoozeh Sheibani Rezvani
1 - Master of Arts Student, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Art Department, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr, Iran.
Keywords: Chandler Codes, Pattern Analysis, Qajar Head Motifes, Semiotics, Tehran's Historical Context.,
Abstract :
This research aims to identify visual characteristics in the motifs of three selected fronts of Foroozesh Street, Molavi Street, and Vakil Al-Tajjar Street in the historical context of Tehran, which has been less studied. The reason for choosing these three heads among similar cases was the capacity to analyze their motifs from the perspective of Daniel Chandler's codes. This research is qualitative and based on data obtained from library information and observation of case examples that describe and analyze motifs based on Daniel Chandler's semiotic opinions. The results of the analysis are as follows: From the point of view of social codes, it shows the integrated style of cultural exchange between the rulers of Qajar and the West. From the point of view of the textual ciphers, brickwork, and tilework motifs are explained in the visual text of Islamic elements, Khatai, birds, and written verses. In interpretative codes of visual elements, it explains the royal authority as well as the importance of living in the shadow of faith in the One Lord and the fruits of faith of a Muslim person. Perceptual codes are interpreted based on the similarity of the elements in the motifs of the three heads. Finally, from codes of perception, show the orientation of the leader's and the audience's thinking about the natural elements of the garden symbolically and abstractly.
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