Designing a Self-Directed Learning Upside-Down Curriculum Pattern in the Secondary School of Technology Course
Subject Areas : Educational management
raziyeh nori
ladan salimi
esmat rasoli
1 - PhD Student in Curriculum Planning, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Curriculum Planning, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Curriculum Planning, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Iran
Keywords: self-directed learning, Upside-down curriculum, Carnology lesson,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present study was to design a reversed curriculum model based on selective attention and self-directed learning in first-grade work and technology courses. A qualitative research method was used for this purpose. Necessary qualitative data were collected and identified and analyzed using qualitative content analysis as a research technique, concepts, categories. Those who had the necessary information in the context of an upside-down curriculum, were identified and used in their qualitative part. In this study, using purposive sampling and considering saturation law, 15 individuals were selected as statistical sample. Semi-structured individual interviews with curriculum specialists were used to collect the data. The results showed that the test-retest reliability was 0.68. Percentage indicates good reliability. Content analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data of the study. The results showed that the analysis of the interviews indicated that the experts pointed to the relationship between the inverted curriculum and self-directed learning in the components of self-management, self-monitoring and spontaneity. Although in some categories more emphasis was placed on other categories, they did note points that indicate the importance and impact of the present research categories.