Determination of Suitability for medicinal functions in Daj rangelands in Bam county
Subject Areas : Optimal use of natural resourcesMina Alizadeh 1 , Reza Bagheri 2
1 - Master's degree in Rangeland Management (medicinal plants orientation), Department of Natural Resources, Baft Branch, Islamic Azad University, Baft, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Natural Resources, Baft Branch, Islamic Azad University, Baft, Iran
Keywords: Habitat, Competence, Medicinal Plants,
Abstract :
Daj region, which is part of Bam city, has high potential in the field of medicinal plants due to its great plant diversity. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify and determine the suitability for the use of medicinal plants in this field. This research was conducted based on the method of FAO, 1991 (using Arc-GIS 10.4.1 package). In this method, to determine the suitability classes, the use of rangelands for different classes are considered as four good quality classes (S1), medium (S2), poor (S3) and unsatisfactory (N). The restrictive condition method was also used to determine the final model. According to the results, the most limiting environmental factor for harvesting medicinal species is the economic index of production. According to the results of this study The economic index of production is considered as an important limiting factor for competence, especially for the plant types of Fourtonia sp and Cousinia stocki, so that these two communities are considered unsuitable in terms of harvesting medicinal species and also plant types Rhazya stricta and Zygophllum eurypterum have poor competence in this index, according to this modeling, the competence of three plant communities of Amygdalus scoparia- Pistacia atlantica, Artemisia sieberi, Amygdalus scoparia was assessed as moderate which can be utilized by indigenous individuals to have better livelihood.
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