Scientific study of the interpretation position of the Guardian Council in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic (with the focus on Article 44, entrepreneurship and sustainable development in Iran's economy)
Subject Areas : Management
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Keywords: Interpretation of the Constitution, Guardian Council, Assembly of Experts, basic institutions,
Abstract :
Knowledge of law is inextricably linked with economics. In creating balance in social relations, these two sciences always need and are related to each other. Entrepreneurship is one of the most important topics in economics. On the other hand, the connection between entrepreneurship and the constitution of the Islamic Republic is undeniable. Article 44 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran is the main one, according to which the economic system of Iran is divided into 3 cooperative, public and private sectors. The economic system of the Islamic Republic of Iran is based on three sectors: public, cooperative and private, with regular and correct planning. The government sector includes all large industries, mother industries, foreign trade, large mines, banking, insurance, power supply, dams and large water supply networks, radio and television, post and telegraph and telephone, aviation, shipping, roads and railways and the like. which is public property and owned by the government. The cooperative sector also includes production and distribution companies and cooperative institutions that are formed in cities and villages according to Islamic rules. The private sector includes those parts of agriculture, animal husbandry, industry, trade and services that complement government and cooperative economic activities.
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