Interaction of central stabilizer and neuromuscular trainings with hopping on pain and function of women with functional ankle instability
Subject Areas : Sports Injuries and Corrective Training
Elham Falahat Pisheh
صدرالدین شجاع الدین
1 - MSc. Department of Sports Injuries and corrective movements, teacher of physical education, Savojbolagh district, Karaj, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Sports Injuries and Corrective Movements, Faculty of Physical Education, Kharazmi University, Karaj, Iran. Corresponding Author
Keywords: central stabilizing training, neuromuscular training, hopping exercises, functional characteristics, pain, functional ankle instability ,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to compare the effect of six weeks of combined exercises (central stabilizer and neuromuscular) and hopping on pain and functional characteristics of women with functional ankle instability. 30 active women with functional ankle instability They voluntarily participated in this study and randomly participated in three groups of ten people: combined exercises, hopping and control. Before and after the exercises, all subjects were re-tested in order to check the amount of pain and functional characteristics. In order to check the pain level, the VAS pain questionnaire was used to check the functional characteristics of the lateral jump test, Latin eight jump test, single leg triple jump test and the foot and ankle ability assessment questionnaire in daily and sports activities. Then, combined training groups (central stabilizer and neuromuscular) and hopping performed their exercises for six weeks (three sessions of 60 minutes per week). The results showed that performing six weeks of hopping exercises resulted in a greater improvement in performance compared to combined exercises (central stabilizer and neuromuscular) and combined exercises compared to hopping had a greater effect in improving ankle pain in women with functional ankle instability.
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