Proposing a Model of Creative Tourism with the Aim of Branding Tourism Destinations
Subject Areas : Marketingmorteza mousakhani 1 , hamid saeedi 2 , Mandan Momeni 3 , Osveh Ghasemi 4
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
2 - faculty member
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Tehran Central Branch; Islamic Azad University; Tehran; Iran
4 - ندارم
Keywords: creative tourism, creative experiences, intangible heritage, unique experiences, destination branding,
Abstract :
Nowadays, to attract more tourists the host communities, should be able to employ all their tangible and intangible capacities in a creative way. In creative tourism, visitors, service providers and the local community exchange ideas and skills and are influenced by each other. On the other hand, the destinations have recognized to develop in the changing world, they must pay special attention to creation and promotion of their brand. The main purpose of this research is to present a model of creative tourism with the aim of branding tourism destinations. The study is qualitative type and using the approach based on the foundational data theory. The target population includes managers and recreation centers and experts in creative tourism issues selected with a targeted approach and using the snowball sampling. The data collection tool is semi-structured interviews and the data analysis is done in three stages of open, central and selective coding and finally the qualitative model of the research is presented. The findings demonstrate that the causal conditions(preserving the authenticity of the destination, desire for more interaction, competitiveness, creating a favorable image)affect the central phenomeno(creative tourism with the aim of branding tourism destinations)and intervening factors(media and social networks,tourism organizations, government)and background factors(existing tourism attractions, social and cultural conditions,and infrastructure conditions)on the presented strategies(commercial and promotion activities , creating appropriate infrastructures, focusing on differentiating aspects of the destination, identifying creative potentials)that will lead to positive(economic,social and cultural)consequences. Creative tourism can help branding destinations and lead to the development of tourist destinations.
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