Political relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and India; opportunities and challenges
Subject Areas : Iran
seyed javad Ahmadi
Hassan Khodaverdi
Garineh Keshishyan Siraki
1 - Political Science.Law and Political Science.Azad South Tehran.iran.
2 - political science department, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Political Science, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Foreign Policy", "Political relations", " diplomacy", " political security relations", " realism, " international relations",
Abstract :
Relations between Iran and India,as two important countries in West and South Asia, have had many ups and downs after the Iranian Islamic Revolution,and factors such as the internal policies of both countries and the influence of the international system have played a role in this sinusoidal relationship.In this research,by using available library works and resources in a descriptive-explanatory method,we try to find the answer to the question,what is the understanding of foreign policy agents of Iran and India about each other? What opportunities and challenges are there for this relationship?The results show that after Iran joined the non-alignment movement, there was a lot of hope for the improvement of relations between Iran and India.due to reasons such as Iran's support for Pakistan's position in the Kashmir issue and India's Eastern Bloc's support for Iraq in the imposed war against Iran,It didn't happen.But after the end of the Cold War and the paradigm shift of India's foreign policy from idealism to realism,the change in domestic politics,the marginalization of the National Congress Party,the victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the closeness to the West and the support of American positions the relations turned cold. The result is that Iran and India have opportunities for regional,strategic and defense integration and to fight against terrorism and challenges such as the influence of America, Israel and India's Middle East policies and most importantly Iran's nuclear program,which can be effective in changing relations.This research from the perspective of theory Realism has analyzed this relationship.