A case report of a pneumothorax caused by a bullet in a cat and its rare side effects
Subject Areas : clinical veterinary science
Neda Vakili Moghadam
Alireza Jahandideh
1 - Department of Surgery, Faculty of Specialized Veterinary Sciences, Science & Research Branch Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Surgery, Faculty of Specialized Veterinary Sciences, Science & Research Branch Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Cat, Tension pneumothorax, bullet injury, Horner's Syndrome,
Abstract :
Chest injuries, especially tension pneumothorax, can be serious and life-threateningTension. Tension Pneumothorax is a bullet shot and a complication of the subsequent Horner syndrome is very rare. This case report records a rare case of treated tension pneumothorax and Horner's Syndrome in a cat.A 9-year-old adult female cat, weighing 4700 grams in the initial examination shallow rapid open-mouth respiration (82 breaths min–1), tachycardia (95 beats min–1) and normal rectal temperature (37.7°C) and reduced lung auscultation sound in the right lung was referred to the clinic. On the left side of the chest, there was a small wound. After radiography, gun bullets and tension pneumothorax were reported in the chest. Depending on the diagnosis and the emergency, surgery was performed to save the animal's life. Thoracosynthesis was performed and the chest was removed from the chest Then a radiographic picture was taken to ensure pneumothorax recovery. After recovery, the animal's breathing improved and the animal was discharged with antibiotics with a good general condition. In the next referral after 5 days, radiography and health status were normal, but Horner's syndrome was diagnosed as having a completely improved syndrome in the next two weeks of treatment. This study showed that the good prognosis of the Horner syndrome was in the pneumothorax trauma in the cat.