Water quality and fish status in Chitgar lake
Subject Areas : Breeding and Aquaculture Sciences Journal
Ali Abedini
Siamak Bagheri
Mehdi Moradi
Hojat Khodaparast
Omid Imani
1 - Inland Waters Aquaculture Research center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute (IFSRI), Agriculture research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar-e Anzali, Iran
2 - Inland Waters Aquaculture Research center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute (IFSRI), Agriculture research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar-e Anzali, Iran
3 - Inland Waters Aquaculture Research center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute (IFSRI), Agriculture research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar-e Anzali, Iran
4 - Inland Waters Aquaculture Research center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute (IFSRI), Agriculture research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar-e Anzali, Iran
5 - Inland Waters Aquaculture Research center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute (IFSRI), Agriculture research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar-e Anzali, Iran
Keywords: Water Quality, fish, Species, Chitgar lake,
Abstract :
The man- made Chitgar lake is located in the north-western of Tehran and was received its from Kan river in 2012. The water quality was investigated on 5 sampling sites during 2013-2014. Standard methods (APHA, 2005) were used for Analysis of water parameters. The results indicated that the mean monthly temperature of water were measured 18.4 °C with minimum 6.3 °C and maximum value 27.1 °C. The mean EC level was 373 ± 30 µs/cm. The mean monthly dissolved oxygen and total phosphorous were 7.8 ±1.2 and 0.035±0.010 mg/l, respectively. The mean of chlorophyll-α was 1.59 ± 0.810 µg/l. In fish assessment eighteen species were identified in the lake, while 11 species were from Cyprinidae family and one species was native (Capoeta bohsei). The exotic fish species were dominant in the Chitgar lake.
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3.APHA, (2005), “Standard Methods for Examining of Water and Waste Water”, 20th edition, Method 507, Washington D.C., 531p.
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8. NarollahzadehSaravi, H., Makhlough, A., Yaghoobzadeh, Z., Ghiyasi, M., (2017). Comparative study of water quality indices in Shahid Rajaee Dam Reservoir (Sari, Mazandarn province). Journal of Water and Wastewater/Ab va Fazilab 28 (2): 78-88 (In Persian).
9. Pazooki, J., Tajbakhsh, F. and Masoumian, M., (2011). Parasitic infection of an endemic fish (Blicca bjoerkna) and an exotic fish (Hemiculter beucisculus) in Anzali Lagoon, Caspian Sea, Iran. Iran J Parasitol. 6(3): 66–73.
Abedini, A., (2017). The study of trophic index in Anzali lagoon, . Agricultural Research and Education Organization, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute. Inland water aquaculture research center, Tehran, 57 p (In Persian).
2.Abedini, A., Bagheri, S., Mirzajani, A., Khodaparast, H. (2017). Additional report of hydrochemistry study of the sea. Ministry.
3.APHA, (2005), “Standard Methods for Examining of Water and Waste Water”, 20th edition, Method 507, Washington D.C., 531p.
4.Bagheri, S., Moradi, M. Abbasi, K. Mirzajani, A., Ramin, M. (2015). Additional report of fish in Chitgar lake. Research Institute of Animal Science. National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute.
5.Boyd, C.E., (1990). Water Quality in Ponds for Aquaculture. Birmingham Publishing Company, Birmingham, Alabama.
6.Imam Jomeh, M., Kamali, M., Tajrishi, M. (2015). Assessment of water quality in Chitgar lake and presentation of management ways. 10th Congress of CivilEngineering. Tabriz.
7.Mohebbi, F., Riahi, H., Sheidaei, M., Shariatmadari, Z., (2016). Phytoplankton of Aras dam reservoir (Iran): an attempt to assess water quality. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 15 (4): 1318-1336.
8. NarollahzadehSaravi, H., Makhlough, A., Yaghoobzadeh, Z., Ghiyasi, M., (2017). Comparative study of water quality indices in Shahid Rajaee Dam Reservoir (Sari, Mazandarn province). Journal of Water and Wastewater/Ab va Fazilab 28 (2): 78-88 (In Persian).
9. Pazooki, J., Tajbakhsh, F. and Masoumian, M., (2011). Parasitic infection of an endemic fish (Blicca bjoerkna) and an exotic fish (Hemiculter beucisculus) in Anzali Lagoon, Caspian Sea, Iran. Iran J Parasitol. 6(3): 66–73.