Typology of the Integration of Afghan Ethnic Groups in the Islamic Republic of Iran (Case Study of Damavand City)
Shima Farzadmanesh
hasan bashir
1 - PhD Student of Cultural Sociology, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor of the Department of Culture and Communication, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Culture and Communication, Imam Sadiq University (AS)
Keywords: Identity, ethnicity, Immigration, Afghan, Intercultural adaptability,
Abstract :
Differences in the method of intercultural adaptability of Afghan immigrants in Iran from the perspective of sources of ethnic identity of immigrants is the main goal of this study. Data were collected using qualitative method and semi-structured interview technique with 15 Afghan immigrants and the final findings are typologized by thematic analysis. This research has been done using the theoretical framework of various strategies of acculturation and ethnic identity among immigrants and the results show that the characteristics of ethnic identity of immigrants strongly affect the type of their integration into the destination community. In the finding section, a review of the differences between the three main ethnic groups in Afghanistan (Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazaras) in terms of religion, language and face is conducted and the findings indicate that the apparent identity in terms of resemblance to Iranians leads to greater integration of Afghans, and when this apparent similarity intersects with the Persian language and the Shiite religion, the two strategies of integration and assimilation reach their peak. But among the ethnic features, there are many paradoxical intersections that cause parts of the identity of each of the Hazara, Tajik, and Pashtun ethnics that are compatible with Iranian culture to be accepted and parts of the same identity to be rejected. For this reason, having a different face, being Sunni, and the Pashto language are all characteristics that make immigrants consider themselves "other" and alien, and choose strategies of separation or marginalization
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