Efect of temperature on microstructure and intermetallic compound formation of Diffusion Bonded Mg/Al joints
Subject Areas :
Mohammad Ammar Mofid
Mostafa Hajian Heidary
Ehsan Loryaei
Hatef Shakeri
1 - Department of Petroleum, Mining and Material Engineering, Central Tehran Branch
2 - Assistant Professor / Shahrood University of Technology
3 - Department of Petroleum, Mining and Material Engineering, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University
4 - Department of Petroleum, Mining and Material Engineering, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University
Keywords: Microstructure, Al alloy, Diffusion bond, Mg alloy, Intermetallic,
Abstract :
The diffusion bonding of two dissimilar alloys Al 5083 and Mg AZ31 was carried out at 420,430.440 and 450 °C for bonding time of 60 min. In order to characterize the microstructure evolution in the joint zone, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were applied. The results show that joint formation is attributed to the solid-state diffusion of Mg and Al into Al 5083 and Mg AZ31 alloys followed by eutectic formation and constitutional liquation along the interface. At bonding temperature of 430°C diffusion induced grain coarsening was observed at the interface. With increase in bonding temperature, the atomic diffusivity increases, results in easier and speeder chemical bonding. In bonding temperature of 440°C the weld had an irregular shaped region in the weld center, having a different microstructure from the two base materials. The irregular shaped region contained a large volume of intermetallic compound Al12Mg17 and showed significantly higher hardness in the weld center. The present study suggests that constitutional liquation resulted in the intermetallic compound Al12Mg17 in the weld center.
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