Quantification of Calcium Propionate and Its Health Risk Assessment in Different Types of Bread
Payam Yazdani
Sina Darzi
Mahboob Nemati
Keywords: Bread, Calcium propionate, Preservative, Health risk index (HQ), Tabriz,
Abstract :
Bread is one of the most basic food products regarded as the leading and critical food consumed worldwide. Therefore, producers use an additive calcium propionate as a preservative to extend the shelf life and prevent microbial spoilage in different types of bread. This study aimed to investigate the calcium propionate levels in bread samples collected from different markets of Tabriz, which bread samples included three groups: toast, rusk, and bulky bread. The preservative level was measured by titration method, and then the percentage of consumption risk was estimated based on bread consumption per capita in Iran. Data was analyzed based on analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan's multiple range test. The average concentration of calcium propionate in toast, rusk, and bulk was observed as 2152.75, 1729.57, and 1674.31 mg kg-1, respectively; in total, the amount of this preservative in 55% of the samples was more than the allowed limit (1500 mg kg-1), and no significant difference was observed in the three groups (P > 0.05). Additionally, based on data on the health risk assessment in this study, children are more threatened by chronic diseases than adults. Therefore, due to excessive use and possible side effects of chemical preservatives such as propionic acid, constantly monitoring it in food, especially bread, is needed.
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