The impact on economic growth, development and financial uncertainty in Selected Asian Countries
Subject Areas : Bi-quarterly Journal of development economics and planningK. Karabulut 1 , A. Shahinpour 2 , B. Shadizali 3
1 - Ataturk university, Faculty of administration and economic sciences
2 - Department of Economics, Ajabshir Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ajabshir, Iran
3 - Department of Economics, Ajabshir Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ajabshir, Iran
Keywords: Economic Growth, Financial Development, Financial Fragility,
Abstract :
The efficient and strong financial markets are assumed the main part of economic. Without having an efficient finance could not attain to financial development. In fact the turnover of optimal economic in every society is depended on to two part of real and finance is strong and efficient. The activity of both parts is accounted the necessity and sufficient condition for and economics system. With regard to financial liberalization and openness and the impact of financial development is the most topic important of economics policy. based on impact achieving economics growth and maintaining an economy without dependence to foreign countries this study is besides on examining the assumption that developing the trade and financial development cause economic growth and the impact of financial volatility is decreasing economic growth in selected Asian countries during 1980-2010. In order to finding the best solution in the way of economic policy to economic growth. Therefore the econometrics approach is based on Ranceier and loayza (2006) in panel data and generalized method of moments (GMM) approach. The empirical results show that financial development has growth impact while the shocks of financial depth(financial fragility) has negative impact on economic growth.