Decision making on daily trading of Tehran Stock Exchange based on a multiple fuzzy inference system framework
Subject Areas : Financial engineeringahmad nateq golestan 1 , mina hajinaghi 2
1 - Department of Financial Management, Faculty of Humanities, neyshabur Branch, neyshabur, iran.
2 - Graduate, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Humanities, neyshabur Branch, neyshabur, iran.
Keywords: Return, Fuzzy Inference System, Stock Trading, Technical Index, Fundamental Information, Tehran Stock Exchange Decision Making,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to create an expert system for predicting daily business decisions in a normal environment of a financial market. The template of our study system consists of a multiple FIS framework that includes three dedicated FISs for decision-making on stock purchase, buying, holding and sales. The basic information system of the relevant companies and the historical stock prices that are processed to provide technical information is received as an input to the multiple FIS framework. This framework provides an investor with a series of proprietary asset documents on a daily basis in each of the buying, holding and selling systems. The review of this framework in the markets of Tehran Stock Exchange shows that considering market information as input and technical information, as compared to systems that use only technical information as input information, increase Returns are profitable. This framework, known as a stock market index, has yielded better performance than some of the most famous technical indicators such as Divergent / Convertible Moving Average, Relative Strength Index, Stochastic Oscillator, and Chaikin Oscillator. This developed framework, in addition, shows that risk-taking is not a positive factor for increasing profitability, and having basic information can increase risk aversion
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