Investigating the Relationship between Factors Affecting Organizational Entrepreneurship Strategy (Case Study: Companies Covered by Iran Mines and Minerals Development and Renovation Organization)
Subject Areas : business management
abbas ziaeikia
Ali jahangiri
javad mehrabi
Ali Davari
1 - Department of Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Qazvin Branch, Isalamic Azad University, Qazvin, iran
2 - Department of public Management, Institute for Management and Planning Education and Research, Tehran, iran
3 - Department of public Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Qazvin Branch, Isalamic Azad University, Qazvin, iran
4 - Department of Business Creation, faculty of Entrepreneurship,Tehran university, Tehran, iran
Keywords: Environmental factors, corporate entrepreneurship, Organizational architecture, Corporate Entrepreneurship Strategy,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between factors affecting entrepreneurship strategy. The present study is of developmental and applied purpose and is a descriptive survey in terms of data collection. The statistical population of this research consisted of affiliated companies of Iran Mineral Development and Renovation Organization (Imidro) and sampling method in this research was 36 of them. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated 0.71 by Cronbach's alpha. SPSS software was used for analysis and confirmatory factor analysis was performed to evaluate the construct validity of the measuring instruments using PLS software. The results showed that out of 13 relationships, 9 were confirmed. And all relationships have a positive direction. (P <0.05). The findings show that the independent variable of external stimuli is not directly influenced by individual and organizational outcomes, but has been able to have a significant effect on strategic perspective and entrepreneurial orientation and behavior. The independent variable of entrepreneurial cognition influences individual and organizational outcomes And it has a significant impact on strategic vision, organizational architecture and entrepreneurial orientation and behavior. Of the three intermediate dependent variables (Strategic Perspective, Organizational Architecture and Entrepreneurial Behavior and Behavior), the two variables of Organizational Architecture and Entrepreneurial Behavior and Behavior affect Individual and Organizational Outcomes (P <0.05) and Strategic Perspective on Individual and Organizational Outcomes. It has been ineffective The strategic perspective has a positive impact on organizational architecture, which means that the strategic perspective indirectly influences the results. These are indicative of the fact that in the structure of the firms under study, corporate strategies are not embedded in the concept of organizational entrepreneurship. The second point that emerges from this research is that entrepreneurial culture does not exist in companies and if it is the case, individually or individually, that entrepreneurial activity is undertaken independently, it is spontaneous. Another issue we have come up with as a result of this research, and perhaps the root of many of the problems and failures of recent years in companies that are state-owned or state-owned or all of their stocks, is that despite the fact that Managers and executives seem to agree with entrepreneurial and innovative activities, but this is still a slogan and in practice they do not believe in entrepreneurship and so on.