In vitro Gas Production and Fermentation Parameters of Some Plants Species Collected from Algerian Arid Rangelands
Subject Areas : Analysis and EvaluationSouhil Boufennara 1 , Samir Medjekal 2 , Lyas Bouazza 3 , Amal Hamedellou 4 , Ibtissem Bella 5 , Nour Elhouda Ayeb 6 , Secunino Lopez 7
1 - Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Nature Sciences, University Abbès Laghrour of Khenchela, 40000. Khenchela, Algeria
2 - Department of Microbiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, University Mohamed Boudiaf of M'sila, Algeria
3 - Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Nature Sciences, University Abbès Laghrour of Khenchela, 40000. Khenchela, Algeria
4 - Faculty of nature Sciences, University Abbès Laghrour of Khenchela, 40000. Khenchela, Algeria
5 - Faculty of nature Sciences, University Abbès Laghrour of Khenchela, 40000. Khenchela, Algeria
6 - Faculty of nature Sciences, University Abbès Laghrour of Khenchela, 40000. Khenchela, Algeria
7 - Institute of Livestock of Mountain -CSIC- Department of Animal Production, University of Léon, 24007 León, Spain
Abstract :
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