Foreign policy and reproduction of the economic system in the Islamic Republic of Iran as an oil-based government
Subject Areas : International Relations
Behrouz Asa'di
Hosein Pourahmadi
1 - PhD student of Shahid Beheshti University
2 - Professor, Faculty of Economics and Politics, Shahid Beheshti University
Keywords: Foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iran Political Economy, Oil-Based Economic System, Social Relations of Production, Oil-Based State,
Abstract :
According to the evolution of the global political economy, proper understanding of the foreign policy category of the Islamic Republic of Iran as an oil-based government and its relationship with the economic system is doubly important. Cox's votes seem to provide a good platform for understanding how this relates to us. The present article raises the key question of what effect does foreign policy have on the reproduction of the oil-based production system in the Islamic Republic of Iran? According to Cox's views, it seems that the structure of oil-based production, by establishing social relations of production and government configuration, has a fundamental impact on the formation of foreign policy in Iran, and in contrast, the action of foreign policy with its policies to It reproduces this economic system. In on this basis, the hypothesis of this study is that the action of foreign policy in Iran in the continuation of social relations of production, has sought to reproduce the structure of production and monopolize the government's use of oil resources. the purpose of this article is understanding the relationship between foreign policy and the oil-based production system in Iran, so it forms an exploratory research based on a retroductive strategy.The findings of the paper, with the emphasis on the Cox's views, show that the interests and tendencies of the dominant classes and social forces in oil-based social relations production in the Islamic Republic of Iran have a fundamental impact on foreign policy action in reproducing the oil-based economic system.