What is Kant’s Transcendental Philosophy and its scope
Subject Areas : Epistemological researchesHabiballah Kazemkhani 1 , Masoud Omid 2 , Jalal Peykani 3
1 - Asistant professor at Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University
2 - Associate professor of philosophy department, university of Tabriz
3 - Associate professor of philosophy department, Payame Noor university
Keywords: Kant, theoretical reason, practical reason, transcendental philosophy, critic of pure reason, a priori synthetic judgments,
Abstract :
The term “transcendental philosophy” is one of the most important and deep terms which Kant used to describe his philosophy. The present article, by adopting a descriptive-analytical method, has tried to examine and analyze this term, apart from its fame and generality, and in this way, it identifies the content and its scope. when we examine and analyze Kant's definitions and descriptions of transcendental philosophy and we look at its main elements as well as the continuity between those elements, it follows that, firstly, the transcendental philosophy contains essential critic of pure reason in both its theoretical and practical aspects. That is, transcendental philosophy, contrary to what seems at first look, simultaneously refers to pure knowledge or theoretical philosophy such as Epistemology, metaphysics and ... as well as practical knowledge or practical philosophy such as religion, morals, law and so on. secondly, the reason why “transcendental philosophy” involves theoretical and practical realms, lies in a certain common basis between them, that is, a priori elements, especially synthetic a priori judgments. Thirdly, it embraces the formation of an architectonic system based on specific ideas and in accordance with the concepts and a priori principles.
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