Realism according to Allameh Tabatabai based on the idea of structured cognition (with emphasis on the role of the body in cognition)
Subject Areas : Epistemological researches
Nafise Saate
abbas Izadpanah
Sayed Reza Taghavi
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Qom
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Qom
3 - PhD student of Islamic philosophy and theology of University of Qom
Keywords: Naive Realism, Structuredness, Allameh Tabataba', i, Relativism,
Abstract :
The validity of human knowledge depends on the validity of the principle of human cognition, and therefore, defending the reality of human knowledge is considered the most important issue of epistemology. The most famous theory in explaining the validity of human knowledge is naive realism, according to which the mind is merely passive in the process of cognition, like a mirror. This image has been challenged today, and in contrast to it, other theories have been formed based on the contribution of the mind in the process of cognition, which can be called structured epistemologies. The challenge for these theories is to maintain realism while going beyond naive realism. Allameh Tabataba'i, while presenting his own explanation of the Structuredness of perception, both from the perspective of the analysis of acquired knowledge and from the perspective of credit perceptions, also emphasizes realism. His model is based on the explanation of the non-uniformity of the relationship between the levels of human cognition and reality, in which all human cognition is directly or indirectly tied to reality.
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