Investigating the theory of reference of basic self-evidents to intuitive knowledge of Mulla Sadra's views
Subject Areas : Epistemological researches
meysam azizian mosleh
jahangir masoodi
seyed morteza hoseini shahrudi
1 - philosophy, theology, univercity ferdowsi, mashhad, iran
2 - philosophy, theology, ferdowsi university, mashhad, iran
3 - philosophy, theology, ferdowsi university, mashhad, iran
Keywords: Mulla sadra, intuitive knowledge, conceptual knowledge, basic self-evidents, Secondary philosophical reasonable,
Abstract :
The theory of the reference of conceptual knowledge to the intuitive knowledge is rooted in the views of philosophers such as Mulla Sadra and has been developed in the works of later thinkers such as Mesbah Yazdi. The purpose of this article is to explain the epistemological part of this view based on the Mulla Sadra’s works. This will be done by designing four questions and answering them. These four questions have focused on the four basic characteristics of basic self-evidents and their origins (three of these four characteristics) in the context of the presence sciences. The first feature is the realization of basic self-evidents, the second feature is their totality, the third one is the necessity of the first theorems, and the fourth characteristic is the basis of these cases. We must find the roots of these four features in the context of the intuitive knowledge, which is a personal reality and apparently lacking in necessity. So that what we say is not the kind of argument and inference, otherwise we do not observe the fourth characteristic (basic axiomatic) of the basic self-evidents.
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