A Grounded Theory Exploration of Pattern of Home-Buying in Luxury Residential Area of Tehran in The Residential Sector of Construction Industry
Subject Areas :
Financial Economics
ali asghar velayati
Kambyz Heydarzadeh
Mohammad Ali Abdulvand
1 - azad universityess Management Department, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Business Management, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Department of Business Management, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Received: 2023-10-12
Accepted : 2023-12-13
Published : 2023-12-22
Keywords: patterns of buying,
luxury housing,
district 1and 3 of Tehran JEL classification: O32,
Abstract :
This research has been used to get to know the pattern of housing purchase and through qualitative research with a contextual study approach to achieve the goal of the research. Sampling in the study was done by snowball method and data collection reached saturation by conducting 14 interviews. In order to collect information, buyers looking for a house, consumers living less than 6 months, builders and investors, and architects and designers were interviewed. The results showed that the pattern of purchasing luxury housing from the point of view of investors and builders includes 11 categories (determining the construction site, construction process, investment return, business partners, construction cost, obtaining municipal permit, construction time, economic period of construction and instrument, effective factors in persuasion to buy, characteristics of buyers, buying and selling process in the region); Architects and designers, 4 categories (expectations of the buyer, architect's design style, characteristics of construction in the region, factors influencing purchase); Consumers living less than 6 months, 3 categories (satisfaction with construction, making changes in the house, buyer's expectations); Buyers looking for a house have 4 categories (buyer expectations, buying time, how to choose a house, making changes to the house).
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