Take a modern phenomenon in the poetry of Abdul baghi alomary
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبی
1 - teacher full-time university teachers in Golestan province
Keywords: poetry, Innovation, style, modernity, nineteenth century, Abdul life,
Abstract :
In terms of quality and experience of modernity is modern or modern period, whichrepresents just in time asBreak with the past and into a future that is emerging and is associated with the idea of innovationAccordingly, in the poetry of life with modernity encounter two types: (1) the content of modernity. 2. modernity in shapeSocial content and political themes of modernity in the Gyrd.mdrnyth in the form ofdeconstruction in the rhythm of prosody and the use of modern poetry formHis social management, and Islamic styles for expressing ideas and new fiction classic fantasy BullModern themes, such as: emotions nationalist, anti-oppression homeland manually and ideas with coherent style of life with concise style and lyrical subject matter in the lyrics became apparentIf political conditions in such a way that the poet was forced to abandon forms of classical liberal and modern forms used. Results of manufacturer article is: 1-modernity of the poet was fully conscious content. For a full understanding of the political and social - of his time. As a result Hnrmndanhdr life of poetry as a means to fulfill the mission of literature. 2-modernity of life was not in Shagahanh because it had been in his poems is small and only for self Golan thought and dream up new forms With air musical, initiating
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