A Stylistic criticism two Mystical treatises: Fotovvatiyya and Mer'āt al-Tā'ebin
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبی
1 - Azad University of Karaj Branch
Keywords: style, mystical prose, Mir Seyyed Ali Hamedāni, Mer'āt al-Tā'ebin and Fotovvatiyya,
Abstract :
Mir Seyyed Ali Hamedāni, one of the 8th century mystics, has composed several works including two treatises, Mer'āt al-Tā'ebin (A Mirror for the Repenters) and Fotovvatiyya (the name of a cult whose members are famous for generosity). These two treatises have both educational and mystical style. The author doesn't bother himself in the use of verbal and spiritual techniques and did not sacrifice the meaning of the word. So we can conclude that the style of them is not classified as elaborate or simple prose. He almost always expresses himself by employing a simile and costructs a chain of devices including similes and metaphors, and other rhetorical figures such as enumeration (to enumerate a set of things regarded as having shared characteristics), pun and rhyme. Nevertheless, he doesn't get in trouble with excess and goes on to pay attention to the meaning, instead of the form of the text. So we can conclude that these treatises can be classified as an average prose, a prose which is neither elaborate nor simple. The rhetorical figures, simile and allegory, have the most frequency in the text.
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