Analysis of the civil responsibility of the cause and the steward in the legal system
Subject Areas : International Legal Research
ali babaei
alireza Rajabzadeh Isthabanati
alireza mazlom rahni
1 - PhD Student in Private Law, Department of Law, Qeshm International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran.
2 - Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Law, International Branch, Qeshm Islamic Azad University of Iran (Corresponding Author).
3 - Assistant Professor of Law, Ghods City Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghods City, Iran
Keywords: compensation, Civil liability, cause and effect society, customary citation,
Abstract :
Field and Aims: Civil liability have specific functions both in relation to the victim and in relation to the cause of the loss and in relation to the target society. Perhaps the principle of the necessity of compensation can be considered the most important principle governing civil liability. The issue of multiplicity of causes is dedicated to examining the effect of various causes in relation to a single loss. This may be in the form of a collection of the above-mentioned causes that form a single source independently in a longitudinal or transverse way to guarantee the creation of damage, or that multiple causes are independent and each cause is considered. The condition for the realization of responsibility is the existence of a relationship of causation, and this means that the relationship of causation is placed next to other conditions of responsibility. That is, if the relationship of causation is not established, there will be no responsibility.Method: The present research was carried out using a descriptive-analytical method.Finding and Conclusion: In this research, an attempt has been made to compare the mentioned issue in the laws of Iran and Islamic jurisprudence, as well as in the current laws, including the civil law, the Islamic Penal Code approved in 1370 and the Islamic Penal Code approved in 1392. With the changes brought about by Article 526 of the Islamic Penal Code of 2013, in the state of community, the cause and the steward are basically both responsible, with the difference in the impact of the intervention, the responsibility will be relative and the trend with material and objective factors in Iranian law is more It is one of the blameworthy and immaterial factors. The guarantee of the first cause in the effect, which is famous in the case of long association of causes in Iranian jurisprudence and law, is not dissimilar to the same guarantee of the cause and the primary agent against the dependent intervening agent. A steward who commits a crime and harm under the influence of the primary factor is responsible in Iranian law, as long as he is not deprived of his will.
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