Human Desires in Abhar al-Ashiqin and Sarh al-shathiyyat; An Analysis with Regard to Abstract and Concrete Propositions
Subject Areas : Mytho
Zohreh Fahami
Hasan por alashti
Maseod Rohani
Mosafa Gorji
1 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran.
2 - Faculty Member
3 - Faculty Member
4 - science Committee
Keywords: Human desires, Abstract Propositions, Concrete Propositions, Abhar al-Ashiqin, Sarh al-shathiyyat,
Abstract :
Every human being has aspirations and desires that seeks them. Recognition of human desires helps the individual to seek moral and psychological desires instead of quarreling over social, individual, and collective desires in order to have a meaningful life and achieve his/her innate desires, including peace. This article uses a descriptive-analytical method to examine Rouzbahan Baghli's view on the most important human desires. The abstraction and concreteness of propositions that represent their individuality and universality are important in mystical literary discourse. The question is whether the mystics have confused their followers with their universal propositions or have increased the certainty of their words with concrete sentences and guided their followers in a certain direction. Roozbehan has presented his experiences in metaphorical language in Abhar al-Ashiqin, and in Sarh al-shathiyyat, he offers a realistic method for interpreting surrealistic subjects and writes both texts concretely using a variety of descriptive methods. According to him, individual and collective social desires should be for perfection and the acquisition of moral desires, such as loving, and lead man to intrinsic and spiritual desires such as peace and meaning.
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