Abstract :
In these research, the green synthesis of Ag nanoparticles )AgNPs( and AgNPs/Peach kernel shell )Ag/ P.K. Shell(, using peach kernel shell as an environmentally benign support and Salvia hydrangea extract as the reducing agent in the absence of any stabilizer or surfactant is reported. Samples were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy )FTIR(, UV-Vis spectroscopy, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy )FE-SEM( equipped with an energy dispersive spectroscopy )EDS(, Elemental mapping, X-ray Diffraction analysis )XRD(, and Transmittance Electron Microscopy )TEM(. These synthesized catalysts were used in the reduction of Methylene Blue )MB( and Rhodamine B )RhB( at room temperature. The Ag/ P.K. shell showed excellent catalytic activity in the reduction of these organic dyes. In addition, it was found that AgNPs/Apricot kernel shell can be recovered and reused several times without significant loss of catalytic activity.
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