Removal of some textile cationic dyes from industrial wastewater using modified gamma alumina nanoparticles
Subject Areas :
Masoud Saadati
Mortaza Iranifam
Seyyed Iman Mosavi
1 - Department of Science, Farhangian University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Department of Chemistry, Maragheh University, maragheh, Iran
3 - Department of Chemistry, Maragheh University, maragheh, Iran
Keywords: Gamma alumina nanoparticles, Textile dye removal, Spectrophotometry, Modified nano-alumina, Response surface method.,
Abstract :
The present study deals with the removal of two cationic dyes from aqueos solutions by surfactant-modified gamma alumina nanoparticles. The nanoparticles were synthesized by sol-gel method and after modifying with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), an anionic surfactant, had been successfully performed to remove basic brown 1 (BB1) and basic red 46 (BR46) from textile industrial effluents. The SEM images, FTIR spectra, and XRD patterns showed a successful synthesis of the nanoparticles followed by surface modification. The relationships between different condition factors (contact time, concentration of dyes, amount of adsorbent, and pH) were investigated by response surface methodology (RSM). The optimal conditions were determined to be a contact time of 15 minutes, pH of 6, initial concentrations of 27.5 mg/l and 41.6 mg/l for BB1 and BR46, respectively; and adsorbent doses of 0.030g and 0.035 g for BB1and BR46, respectively. The effect of other parameters including temperature and interfering species on the removal of dyes were also investigated and the dye removal obtained under optimal conditions were 93.12% for BB1 and 97.34% for BR46. The obtained results showed that the removal of dye with modified nanoparticles was better than unmodified nanoparticles.
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