Behavioral and electrophysiological study on bone marrow stromal cell transplantation with olive extract in repair of severed sciatic nerve in rats
Subject Areas : Developmental biology of plants and animals , development and differentiation in microorganisms
Nasim Hayati Roodbari
Gholamreza Kaka
Kazem Parivar
1 - PhD student of Cell Biology - Islamic Azad University - Science and Research Branch-Tehran, Iran
2 - Department Biology Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch Tehran.Iran
3 - Faculty of Neurosciences, Baqiyatullah University of Medical Sciences.Tehran.Iran
4 - Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University,Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: "rat", "Sciatic nerve", "Bone marrow stromal cells", "Olive extract", "Repair",
Abstract :
Background and purpose: Behavioral and electrophysiological study on the use of bone marrow stromal cell transplantation along with olive extract in the repair of severed sciatic nerve in rats.Materials and Methods: After sciatic nerve amputation, adult male rats were randomly divided into 4 groups of 7.Healthy rats, rats with sciatica without treatment intervention, rats with bone marrow stromal cells treated with olive extract at the site of amputation, rats with bone marrow stromal cells injected at the site of injury.The rate of recovery was assessed by sensory motor activity of the sciatic nerve, electrophysiological studies.Results: Sciatic nerve motor evaluation, no control group returned to normal in the eighth week, cell therapy group was restored with olive extract in the eighth week. The level of AMP in the eighth week after the restoration of the cell therapy group with a gentle slope indicates the recovery process of the cell therapy group.Counting the number of nerve fibers at an area of 1000 μm, the number of nerve fibers in the cell therapy groups increased in the eighth week after repair, compared with the control group and the PLGA membrane group. By the end of the eighth week, the sciatic nerve index (Hot Plate test), the healing process of the cell therapy group with olive extract was more evident to other groups.Conclusion: bone marrow stromal cell transplantation repairs sciatic nerve and olive extract along with bone marrow stromal cell accelerates sciatic nerve repair.