Effect of Microgravity on growth, Ultrastructure, phenol, flavonoid, and inhibition of DPPH radical in Hyoscyamus niger L. Seedlings
Subject Areas : Developmental biology of plants and animals , development and differentiation in microorganisms
Rogjayeh Pourhabibian Amiri
Alireza Iranbakhsh
Mostafa Ebadi
Halimeh Hassanpour
Azade Hekmat
1 - Department of Biology، Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University Tehran Iran
2 - Department of Biology، Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University Tehran Iran
3 - Department of Biology, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran.
4 - Aerospace Research Institute, Ministry of Science Research and Technology, Tehran 14665-834, Iran
5 - Department of Biology، Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University Tehran Iran
Keywords: TEM, Key words: microgravity, Hyoscyamus niger, organelles,
Abstract :
AbstractMicrogravity is one of the environmental stresses in space that affects on the structure of cellular organelles and metabolites in plant. In the present research, the effect of microgravity in times 3, 7 and 10 days on root and hypocotyl growth rate, fresh and dry weight, cell and organelles ultrastructure with Transmission Electron microscope (TEM) and some antioxidative capacity ( phenol, flavonoid and inhibition of DPPH radicals) were investigated in henbane (Hyoscyamus niger L.) seedling. The results showed that microgravity led to increase root and hypocotyle length as compared to control. Amydons were spread throughout the cell in microgravity treatment, while in control samples, they were deposited on the cell wall in the direction of gravity. Mitochondria were variable in shape and number. The endoplasmic reticulum in 10-day treatment was more voluminous and longer than the control. Also, the vacuole was observed more voluminous as compared to control. Total phenol, flavonoid, and inhibition of DPPH radicals increased significantly(P < 0.05). It seems, cellular changes and secondary metabolism induced under microgravity are related to oxidative stress.
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- Hoson T. Plant Growth and Morphogenesis under Different Gravity Conditions. Relevance to Plant Life in Space Life., 2014. 4(2): 205-216.
- Pozhvanov GE, Sharova E, Medvedev S. Microgravity Modelling by Two-Axial
Clinorotation Leads to Scattered Organisation of Cytoskeleton in Arabidopsis Seedlings. Funct Plant Biol., 2021. 48(10): 1062-1073.
- Medina FJ, Herranz R. Microgravity Environment Uncouples Cell Growth and Cell Proliferation in Root Meristematic Cell: the Mediator Role of Auxin Plant Signal. Behave., 2010. 5(2): 176-179.
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- Bryov V. Clinorotation Affects the Ultrastructure of Pea Root Mitochondria. Microgravity Sci. Technol., 2011. 23(2): 215-219.
- Romanchuk S. Ultrastruccture of the Statocytes and Cell of the Distal Elongation Zone of Arabidopsis Thaliana under the Conditions of Clinorotation. Cytol. Genet., 2010. 44(6): 329-333.
- Kordyum EL. Effect of Altered Gravity on Plant Cell Processes: Results of Recent Space and Clinostatic Experiments. Adv. Space Res., 1994. 14(8): 77-85.
- Laurinavicius R, et al. In Vitro Plant Cell Growth in Microgravity and on Clinostat. Adv. Space Res., 1994. 14(8):87-96.
- Michalak A. Phenolic Compounds and Their Antioxidant Activity in Plants Growing under Heavy Metal Stress. Pol. J. Envirn. Stud., 2006. 15(4).
Halimeh H. Antioxidant Metabolism and Oxidative Damage in Anthemis Gilanica Cell Line under Fast Clinorotation. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 2022: 1-11.
_||_- Baldwin KL, Strohm AK, Masson PH. Gravity Sensing and signal Transduction in Vascular Plant Primary Roots. Am. J. Bot., 2013; 100(1): 126-142.
- Millar K, Johnson C, Edelmann R, Kiss J. An Endogenous Growth Pattern of Roots is Revealed in Seedlings Grown in Microgravity. Astrobiology, 2011; 11(8): 787-797.
- Claassen D, Spooner B. Impact of Altered Gravity on Aspects of Ceel Biology. Int. Rev. Cytol., 1994; 156: 301-373.
- Kordyum EL, Chapman DK. Plants and Microgravity: Patterns of Microgravity Effects at the Cellular and Molecular Levels. Cytology and Genetics, 2017; 51(2):108-116.
- Smith MS, China’s Space Program: An Overview, Library of Congressional Research Service, 2005.
- Begum AS. Bioactive Non-Alkaloidal Secondary Metabolites of Linn. Seeds: A
Review. Res. J. Seed Sci., 2010; 3(4): 210-217.
- Begum S, et al. Study of Anti-Inflammatory. Analgesic and Antipyretic Activities of Seeds of Hyoscyamus Niger and Isolation of a New Coumarinolignan. Fitoterapia, 2010; 81(3): 178-184.
- Sengupa T, et al. Antiparkinsonian Effects of Aqueous Methanolic Extract of Hyoscyamus Niger seeds result from its Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitory and Hydroxyle Radical Scavenging Potency. Neurochem. Res., 2011; 36(1): 177-186.
- Bahmanzadegan JA, Sefidkon F, Sonboli A. Determination of Hyoscyamus and Scopolamine in Four Hyoscyamus species from Iran. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research(IJPR), 2009; 8: 65-70.
- Ducic T, Maksimovic V, Raditic K. Oxalate Oxidase and Non-Enzymatic Compounds of the Antioxidative System in Young Serbian Spruce Plants Exposed to Cadmium Stress. Arch. Biol. Sci., 2008; 60(1): 67-76.
- Aboul- Enein HY, et al. Effects of Phenolic Compounds on Reactive Oxygen Species. Biomolecules, 2007; 86(3): 222-230.
- Soleimani M, Ghanati F, Hajebrahimi Z. The Role of Phenolic Compounds in Growth Improvement of Cultured Tobacco Cell After Exposure to 2-D Clinorotation. Iran J. Plant Physiol., 2019; 9(4): 2921- 2929.
- Agati G, Tattini M. Multiple Functional Roles of Flavonoids in Photoprotection. New Phytol., 2010; 186(4): 786-793.
- Das K, Roychoudhury A, Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and Response of Antioxidants as ROS-Scavengers During Environmental Stress in Plants. Front. Environ. Sci., 2014; 2:53.
- Classic Murashige T, Skoog F. A Revised Medium for Rapid growth and Bioassay with Tobacco Tissue Cultures. Physiol. Plant, 1962; 15:473-497.
- Hassanpour H, Ghanbarzade M. Induction of Cell Division and Antioxidative Enzyme Activity of Matricaria Chamomilla Cell Line under Clino-Rotation. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 2021; p: 1-10.
- Krauss H, Bostian C, Raab F, Teacher’s Guide to Plant Experiments in Microgravity, New York: United Nation, 2013.
- Jauneau A, Cabin-Flaman A, Morvan C, Pariot C, Ripoll C, Theillier M. Polysaccharide Distribution in the Cellular Junctions of Immature Fibre Cells of Flax Seedlings. Histochem. J., 1994; 26(3): 226-232.
- Summer MJ. Epoxy Resins for Light and Transmission Electron Microscopy, in Plant Microtechniques and Protocols, 2015; Springer. P: 83-101.
- Conde E, Cadahia E, Garcia- Vallejo. HPLC Analysis of Flavonoids and Phenolic Acid and Aldehydes In Eucalyptus spp. Chromatographia. 1995; 41(11): 657-660.
- Chang CC, Yang MH, Wen HM, Chern JC. Estimation of Total Flavonoid Content in Propolis by Two Complementary Colorimetric Methods. J. Food Drud Anal., 2002; 10(3).
- Shimada K, Fujikava K, Nakamura Y, Nakamura T. Antioxidative Properties of Xanthan on the Autoxidation of Soybean Oil in Cyclodextrin Emulsion. J. Agric. Food Chem., 1992; 40(6): 945-948.
- Von Sonntag C, Free Radical Reactions of Carbohydrates as Studied by Radiation Techniques, in Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1980, Elsevier, 7-77.
- Link BM, Busse JS, Stankovic B. Seed-to-Seed growth and Development of Arabidopsis in Microgravity. Astrobiology, 2014. 14(10): 866-875.
- Boucheron-Dubuisson E, et al. Functional Alterations of Root Meristematic Cell of Arabidopsis Thaliana Induced by A Simulated Microgravity. Environment. J. Plant Physiol., 2016. 207: 30-41.
- Matia I, et al. Plant Cell Proliferation and Growth are Altered by Microgravity Conditions in Spaceflight. J. Plant Physiol., 2010. 167(3): 184- 193.
- Hoson T. Plant Growth and Morphogenesis under Different Gravity Conditions. Relevance to Plant Life in Space Life., 2014. 4(2): 205-216.
- Pozhvanov GE, Sharova E, Medvedev S. Microgravity Modelling by Two-Axial
Clinorotation Leads to Scattered Organisation of Cytoskeleton in Arabidopsis Seedlings. Funct Plant Biol., 2021. 48(10): 1062-1073.
- Medina FJ, Herranz R. Microgravity Environment Uncouples Cell Growth and Cell Proliferation in Root Meristematic Cell: the Mediator Role of Auxin Plant Signal. Behave., 2010. 5(2): 176-179.
- Sobol M, et al. Clinorotation Influences rDNA and NopA100 Location in Nucleoli. Adv. Space Res., 2005. 36(7): 1254-1262.
- Bryov V. Clinorotation Affects the Ultrastructure of Pea Root Mitochondria. Microgravity Sci. Technol., 2011. 23(2): 215-219.
- Romanchuk S. Ultrastruccture of the Statocytes and Cell of the Distal Elongation Zone of Arabidopsis Thaliana under the Conditions of Clinorotation. Cytol. Genet., 2010. 44(6): 329-333.
- Kordyum EL. Effect of Altered Gravity on Plant Cell Processes: Results of Recent Space and Clinostatic Experiments. Adv. Space Res., 1994. 14(8): 77-85.
- Laurinavicius R, et al. In Vitro Plant Cell Growth in Microgravity and on Clinostat. Adv. Space Res., 1994. 14(8):87-96.
- Michalak A. Phenolic Compounds and Their Antioxidant Activity in Plants Growing under Heavy Metal Stress. Pol. J. Envirn. Stud., 2006. 15(4).
Halimeh H. Antioxidant Metabolism and Oxidative Damage in Anthemis Gilanica Cell Line under Fast Clinorotation. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 2022: 1-11.