Feasibility study of establishment of agricultural national library of Iran
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studiessamaneh Nazarnokandeh 1 , Mohsen Hajizeinolabedini 2 , sudabeh Shapoori 3
1 - MLIS. student of Islamic Azad university Tonekabon branch
2 - Faculty of Agricultural Extention, Education and Research Organization
3 - Faculty of Azad university Tonekabon branch
Keywords: Feasibility Study, Iran agricultural national library, agricultural national library, Iran agriculture, National library,
Abstract :
Objective: The purpose of this study is to identify feasibility invention of agricultural national library (ANL) in Republic of Islamic of Iran; a case study of manager opinions in agriculture field. Methodology: The research method used was a descriptive and a questionnaire was used to gather data. The statistical population of this study included 75 persons that 41 persons of them were manager directors of agricultural faculties in governmental universities and 34 persons of them were manager directors of agricultural research centers related to agricultural education and research organization. Data was gathered through a questionnaire and its validity was confirmed by a panel of experts in the field of information and agricultural extension and education. Instrument reliability was estimated by calculating Cronbach alpha coefficient. Findings: The finding of this study showed that quick and update information services to students, faculty members, researchers and agricultural specialists through relation with agricultural information databases and other dependent sciences as one of the goals of ANL 98/6% and Agricultural extension and increasing of farmers awareness and literacy level have got 58/8% and Gathering, protecting, organizing and information dissemination related to written and unwritten works about agricultural sciences other sciences as a part of library duties, , have got 95/7% and performance meeting , scientific and special seminars on agriculture and related sciences have got 47/2% As view point of structure style , independent governmental organization have got 48/5% and As view point a private organization have got38/6% . As view point of organization dependent to MSRT have got 42/9% and MCIG have got35/6%. Conclusions: Results showed that for establishment the National Agricultural Library in Iran must be considered number of factors, including objectives, functions, facilities, services, manpower.
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