The extent and manner of using internet among Isfahans’ college students
Subject Areas : Social Sciences Quarterlyمجید گیوی 1 , معصومه نصر اصفهانی 2
1 - عضو هیأت علمی پژوهشگاه علوم انتظامی و مطالعات اجتماعی ناجا
2 - کار شناسی ارشد جامعهشناسی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد دهاقان
Keywords: sex, Internet, extent of usage, manner of usage, Isfahans’ colleges students,
Abstract :
The present study seeks to investigate the extent and manner of using internet among Isfahans’ college students. In this study by using Kukran formula, 400 students of Isfahan colleges were selected through simple random sampling based on their sex, educational level and field of study and from the educational year of 88-89 (the whole number of the stundents were 87621). The intended population of this study were all the students of Isfahans’ colleges (both males and females) from the educational year of 88-89. The results of the study revealed that the increasing extent of internet usage would gradually brings dependence among the stundents. In addition there is a relation between sex, educational level and internet usage while there is no relation between field of study, point of view and internet usage. Finally, it was concluded that male students use amoral, dating and political websites more than female students and female students use frindship and entertaining websites more than male students.
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