The study of the functioning of thinking styles of education specialists and teachers of the research group
Subject Areas : Social Sciences Quarterlymasomeh farhosh 1 , maryam syifnaraghi 2 , ezatolah naderi 3 , ghodsi ahghar 4
1 - Ph.D. Student in Planning, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Ph.D. in Educational Sciences, Full Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author)
3 - Professor of Islamic Azad University, Research and Science Branch, Tehran, Iran,
4 - Associate Professor of Islamic Azad University, Research and Science Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: thinking styles, Elementary Teachers, Lesson study,
Abstract :
The present study was designed to investigate the performance of the thinking styles of the educational sciences experts and the members of the research group's teachers, as well as offer suggestions on improving education through the use of different thinking styles in the study process.This is an applied research and the researcher has used field research method. The statistical population of this study, includes elementary school teachers (1100 students) and specialists in environmental sciences (250 students) in Tehran.The statistical sample size was 285 people and 148 people were selected by stratified random sampling method using Morgan table.Data collection was used through study libraries and thinking style questionnaire (TSI, Sternberg and Wagner, 1991) to determine the thinking style of target groups about the performance of legislative, executive, and judge thinking styles. The superficial and content validity of the questionnaire was carried out by the experts.Reliability coefficients in Sternberg and Wagner studies have been reported for legislator style 0.78, executive style 0.75 and judge's rank 0.72.In this study, the reliability of the questionnaire was 93/0.In analyzing data, descriptive statistics methods were used to calculate the frequency, percentages. The results of this study show that the studied groups use all three aspects of the thinking style in the study process.Whils, the degree of overcoming the style of executive thinking is evident in both thelesson study teachers and educational specialists.