The investigation of relationship between Economic - social Status and identity styles and cultural behavior in staff of Health Department of Bojnourd Medical University
Subject Areas : Social Sciences Quarterlynarges rezaeiyan 1 , behrang esmaeili shad 2
1 - North khorasan university of medical sciences, bojnourd, iran
2 - departmernt of educational sceinces,bojnourd branch
Keywords: Identity styles, cultural behavior, Economic - social Status,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is studying of relation between Economic- social Status and identity styles and cultural behavior based on the theory Bourdieu. This study includes practical purpose and the terms of this research is Descriptive-Surveying of correlational method. The study sample of this study included 50 employees Due to the small size of the study population, whole community were selected The datas of this study has been collected by three standard questionnaires bourdieu cultural behavior questionnaire (2011), Berzonsky identity styles questionnaire (1992) &Aghazadeh social -Economic Status questionnaire (1998). In which they have face and content validity; their reliability coefficients by using Cronbach’s Alpha test are equal to 0.83, 0.91 and 0.80,respectively Gathering data are analyzed by using of the test descriptive statistics frequency distribution, mean and Independent t test Inferential statistics methods and Structural equation modeling test using of SPSS 18 and AMOS software. The result of showed there is a meaning ful relation between identity styles and cultural behavior whit(p-value=0/042)and Economic - social Status and cultural behavior whit(p-value=0/023) and Economic - social Status and identity styles whit(p-value=0/001) among staff of Health Department Medical University Bojnourd.