Urban Integrated Urban Management Planning in Iranian metropolises (Case Study: Tehran Metropolis)
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning Studies
shahram AmirEntekhabi
majid akbari
Vahid BostanAhmadi
moslem zarghamfard
1 - Assistant Professor of Geography, Payame Noor University of Iran
2 - PhD student in Geography and Urban Planning, Payame Noor University, Iran
3 - PhD student in Geography and Urban Planning, Payame Noor University, Iran
4 - PhD student in Geography and Urban Planning, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Strategic Planning, Tehran metropolis, Urban Integrated Management, Meta-SWOT Model,
Abstract :
Urban integrated management is one of the most important and fundamental issues to consider and address in the area of metropolitan management. Despite the fact that more than 100 years of Tehran's urban modern-city management system, but due to the overwhelming focus of the government in the management of cities, municipalities and councils, they still do not have the necessary independence for their decision making and urban policy. Therefore, attention and explanation of this issue is one of the most important issues which is necessary considering the development of physical, spatial and demographic development, as well as the complexity and complexity of the problems and challenges of Tehran. This paper is aimed at strategic planning of integrated urban management in Tehran metropolitan area based on the strategic planning model of Meta-SWOT. The present study is descriptive-analytic, and in terms of target targeting. The data collection method has been a library and survey. The results of this study indicated that among the resources and internal capabilities of the modification of urban management laws, the integration of all actors in the field of urban management and general management in the city had the highest score. Also, the results of external environmental factors that indicate that the unidentified components of the integrated attitude in urban management, the lack of separation of political leadership from specialized management and the lack or weakness of the mechanisms for strengthening organizational communication indicates the impact of environmental factors. According to studies, the northern regions have the least and the southern regions of Tehran metropolis have the highest level of inconsistency. Therefore, in proportion to the growth of urbanization in Tehran, there is a lack of formation of integrated urban management. As a result, there is no reasonable coordination between the construction of spaces and the body of the city and the natural and physical environment with the social, economic and cultural situation.
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