Analyze Factors Influencing Tourism Competitiveness (Case Study: Sarein City)
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning StudiesHassan Afrakhteh 1 , Hamid Jalaliyan 2 , Ebrahim Arami 3
1 - Professor in Geography & Rural Planning, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor in Geography & Rural Planning, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
3 - PhD. Candidate Geography & Rural Planning, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: factor analysis, Tourism, Competitiveness, Tourism Destination, Sarein City,
Abstract :
Among the major problems of today's tourism industry is the lack of competitiveness. One of the pillars of this problem is the lack of a clear approach to enhance competitiveness there is also a direct link between increasing the competitiveness of a country and the competitive strength of the firm. Competitiveness of tourism destination is considered as one of the most important types of spatial competitiveness and an endogenous growth and development industry in many cities around the world. Sarein District has a combination of human and natural attractions and is ecotourist with many abilities. So far, various models have been proposed for tourism competitiveness. The aim of this paper is to investigate the factors affecting the tourism competitiveness of Sarein region by utilizing and integrating the two Karachi-Richi and Kano models. The research was carried out with a survey of 573 questionnaires among tourists, business people and local people during the period from June 15 to August 15, 1396. The results were analyzed using factor analysis and LISREL software. Findings indicate that among the six indicators in the consolidation model, priority axis resources, destination management, reinforcement factors, policy planning and destination development, tourist’s satisfaction, factors and backup resources are the priorities.
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Rumelt Richard, P. (2003). what in the world is competitve advantage. policy working paper, 105 (8), 1-5.
Salem Gahfarakhi, A., Ghorbaninejhad, Sh., Rezaei, S.R., & Rostami, M. (2015). Study of the status of tourism in Iran among the rivals of the 1404 vision document using the World Tourism and Competitiveness Competitiveness Index. International Conference on Sustainable Development, Solutions and Challenges Focusing on Agriculture, Natural Resources - Environment, Tourism, Tabriz. (In Persian)
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Smith, M., Lamac, L., & Hart Robertson, M. (2012). Key Concepts in Tourism Studies. Translated by Jafar Bapiri. (First Edition). Tehran: Mahkameh. (In Persian)
Tahmasebi, A., Arbabi, S. (2015). Assessment of the competitiveness of the tourism destination of Kashan, The Second International Conference on Sustainable Development. Solutions and Challenges with Focus on Agriculture, Natural Resources and Living and Tourism, Tabriz. (In Persian)
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Zandhessami, H., & Ashtianipour, Z. (2013). Evaluation of Technological Innovation Capabilities Impact on the Competitiveness of Small & Medium Enterprises. Innovation Management Journal, 2 (4), 1-24. (In Persian)
Ziaee, M., & Mirzai, R. (2007). Specialized vocabulary of tourism and hotel tourism, (First edition). Tehran: Terme Publishing. (In Persian)
_||_Afrakhteh, H., Arami sham Asbi, Ebrahim., & Dolati, Gh. (2015) Comparative Comparison of Competitiveness of Tourism Sarein Iran, Varzrom. Turkey, Second Conference on Tourism in Geography and Clean Environment, University of Bu Ali, Hamedan, Iran. (In Persian)
Afrakhteh, H., Alizadeh, S. D., Rezaei, A., & Alizadeh, P. (2012). Evaluation of Attractiveness and Competitiveness in Tourism Location using TDCA Model (Case Study: Koohsangi Park of Mashhad). Journal of URBAN STUDIES, 1 (3), 58-67. (In Persian)
Aghazadeh, H., Estiri, M., & Osanlou, Bahareh. (2007). Competitiveness of Iranian Enterprises. Journal of the Economic Research, 7 (3), 38-58. (In Persian)
Armenski T., OmerzelGomezelj, D., Djurdjev, B., Deri, L., & Aleksandra, D. (2011). Destination competitivness: A Challenging Process For Serbia, Studies and Research in human geography, 5 (1),19-33.
Buhalis, D. (2000). Marketing the competitive destination of the future Tourism Management, 21 (1), 97-116.
C. Hong, wei. (2008). Competitiveness in the tourism sector: A comprehensive approach from economic and management points. .
Croes, R., & Kubickova, M. (2013). From potential to ability to compete: Towards a performance- based tourism competitiveness index. Destination Marketing &Management, 2 (1),146-154.
Dadashpour, H., & Dehdeh jani, M. (2015). Identifying and Prioritizing the Radical Factors Influencing Regional Competitiveness (Case study: Kurdistan Province). Journal of Regional Planning, 5 (19), 27-42. (In Persian)
Danaee Far, H., Azar, A., &Alvani, M. (2014). Quantitative research methodology in comprehensive approach management. (9 Edition) Tehran: Saffar Publishing. (In Persian)
Estealaji, A.R., & Allahgolinejad, M. (2011). Planning for Sustainable Development with Retirement Emphasis (Case Study: Sarein and surrounding villages). Journal of the Iranian Geographic Society, 6 (30), 129-144. (In Persian)
Farzin, M.R., & Naad Alipour, Z. (2011). Identification of Factors contributing to the Competitive Advantage of Tourism Destinations of Iran (Case Study: Chabahar). Journal of Tourism Management Studis, 5 (15), 40-67. (In Persian)
Gohari, M. (2010). Determining and Classifying Effective Factors on Customer Satisfaction with Liability Insurance Using the Kano Model (Case Study of Parsian Insurance Customers in Tehran). 17th National Conference and 3rd International Seminar on Insurance and Development, Tehran. (In Persian)
Kashani Asl, A., Salahi, V., & Kashani Asl, Sh. (2015). Health Promotion Approach for Urban Development (Case Study: sarein(. National Examination of the Status of Tourism Sciences in Land Use and Regional Development with Emphasis on Golestan, Gorgan. (In Persian)
kavaratzis, M. (2009). What can we learn from city marketing practice? European spatial Research and policy,16 (1), 41-58.
kavaratzis, M., & Ashworth, G.j. (2007). City branding:an effective assertion of identity or a transitory marketing trick? Tijdschrift voor Economische en sociale Geografic, 96 (5), 506-514.
Kazemi, A., Sanayei, A., Ranjbarian, B., & Azarbayjani, K. (2010). Identifying the competitive advantages of tourism industry in order to attract foreign tourists' case study Isfahan province. Journal of Urban Regional Studies and research, 2 (5), 93-110. (In Persian)
Klein, J. (2001). A critique of competitive advantage. critical management studies conference, Manchester.
Kochak Zadeh, S. (2015). Marketing and Development of Tourism Industry, The First International Conference on Management, Economics, Accounting and Educational Sciences, Sari. (In Persian)
kotler, P., Asplund, C., Rein, I., & Haider, D. (1999). marketing places Europe. Pearsin Education ltd, london.
Mohammadi, F., & Shafaei, R. (2013). Strategic Analysis of Opportunities and Challenges of Urban Competitiveness in Mashhad's Metropolis with Emphasis on the Role of Religious Tourism. National Conference on Contemporary Challenges in Architecture, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
Mohseni, R.A. (2010). Sustainable Tourism in iran: Functions, Challenges and Solutions. Journal of Geography Space, 9 (28), 149-171. (In Persian)
Moradi, M. (2004). The Perspective of Human Resources in Permanent Competitiveness and Review of Its General Situation in Iran's Industry. Fourth International Management and Quality Conference, Tehran. (In Persian)
Moradi, M. (2005). The Government and Sustainable Competitiveness. Second International Management Conference, Tehran. (In Persian)
Naadalipor, Z. (2013). Investigating Quality of Tourism Destination Management in Terms of Competitive Advantage in Chabahar. Journal of Tourism, 1(1), 57-73. (In Persian)
Nadian, M. (2013). Iranian Tourism Competition Evaluation from the Beginning of the Fourth to the Fifth Development Plan. Graduate Course. Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
Noroozi, A., Shafqati, M., & Motaghi, S. (2011). The Role of Tourism in Urban Economics Case Study of Sarayneh. The First Conference on Urban Economics in Mashhad. (In Persian)
Pajhoyan, Jamshid; Marjan Faghih Nasiri; 2009, The Impact of Competitiveness on Economic Growth by Endogenous Growth Model. Journal of the Economic Research, 13 (38), 97-132. (In Persian)
Papoli Yazdi, M.H., & Saghaei, M. (2007). Tourism of Nature and Fatality (Second Edition). Tehran: Samt. (In Persian)
Pourbarat, HR., & Farhadi, V.R. (2014). Tourism Development Challenges Based on the Report on Tourism and Tourism Competitiveness with Emphasis on Iran. International Conference on Sustainable Development - Strategies and Challenges Focusing Agriculture and Natural Resources - Environment and Tourism, Tabriz, Iran. (In Persian)
Ranjbarian, B., & Ghanbari, H. (2005). Inference from the destination of tourism to gain competitive advantage in the tourism and tourism industry. Second International Management Conference, Tehran. (In Persian)
Ritchie, Brent J.R., & Crouch, G. (2003). The competitve Destination”a sustainable tourism perspective.
Roz peiker, Y., & Rezaei Nasab, B. (2014). Competitive Advantages of Qeshm as a Tourism Destination, Second National Conference on Tourism. Geography and Sustainable Environment, Hamedan. (In Persian)
Rumelt Richard, P. (2003). what in the world is competitve advantage. policy working paper, 105 (8), 1-5.
Salem Gahfarakhi, A., Ghorbaninejhad, Sh., Rezaei, S.R., & Rostami, M. (2015). Study of the status of tourism in Iran among the rivals of the 1404 vision document using the World Tourism and Competitiveness Competitiveness Index. International Conference on Sustainable Development, Solutions and Challenges Focusing on Agriculture, Natural Resources - Environment, Tourism, Tabriz. (In Persian)
Sanayeei, A., & Molaei, A. (2014). Development in the category of tourism, (First edition). Shiraz: Parsi Publication. (In Persian)
Smith, M., Lamac, L., & Hart Robertson, M. (2012). Key Concepts in Tourism Studies. Translated by Jafar Bapiri. (First Edition). Tehran: Mahkameh. (In Persian)
Tahmasebi, A., Arbabi, S. (2015). Assessment of the competitiveness of the tourism destination of Kashan, The Second International Conference on Sustainable Development. Solutions and Challenges with Focus on Agriculture, Natural Resources and Living and Tourism, Tabriz. (In Persian)
YagoubZadeh, R. (2014). Typology of tourism, providing a wooden framework for the categorization of different types of tourism, (First edition). Tehran: Sociologists' publication. (In Persian)
yilmaz burca, S. (2008). Competitive advantage strategies for SMES: Acase study in tourist sector. Dokuz Eylul university, Turke,157-171.
Zandhessami, H., & Ashtianipour, Z. (2013). Evaluation of Technological Innovation Capabilities Impact on the Competitiveness of Small & Medium Enterprises. Innovation Management Journal, 2 (4), 1-24. (In Persian)
Ziaee, M., & Mirzai, R. (2007). Specialized vocabulary of tourism and hotel tourism, (First edition). Tehran: Terme Publishing. (In Persian)