Expression of Toll-Like Receptor4 (TLR4) in Pancreas of Obese Chicken
Subject Areas : Camel
S.K. Pathak
P. Suvaneeth
E. Raja Ravi Teja
1 - Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science, Institute of Agricultural Science, Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Banaras Hindu University, Barkachha, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, India
2 - Department of Veterinary Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science, Institute of Agricultural Science, Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Banaras Hindu University, Barkachha, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, India
3 - Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science, Institute of Agricultural Science, Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Banaras Hindu University, Barkachha, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Abstract :
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