Deadly humor and enduring humor in the Timurid period
Subject Areas : journal of literary criticism and stylistics research
1 - Professor at Bo Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran.
Keywords: Timuri humor, enduring humor, deadly humor, collected works of food, collected works of clothes,
Abstract :
The four sides of common satires in the Timurid era are made up of four methods, three of which are only fancy work and funny. Those four sides are: First Verbal jokes in literary circles, the second compilation of the stories of past tribes by Ali Safi and Jami.The third is food and clothing satires by Boshak Atameh and Mahmoud Qari al-Baseh, whose literary works of many poets, including Ahli Shirazi, Sibak Neishabouri, Ibn Hossam Khosfi and others, can also be placed in the ranks of those types of commitments due to their extremes and exaggeration. The fourth, extensive falsification and distortion of historical, literary, mystical, and religious facts, and replacing them with authentic facts in Tazkirat al-Shoara, Rowzat al-Shohada, and Majalis al-Oshaq. All these four methods of satire share four characteristics in terms of nature: the aspect of organizing parties and having fun and being free from protesting and fighting; Inability to motivate thought and create intellectual improvement in the audience; lack of innovation in artistic fields and attention to the implementation of common and famous constructions and methods; Focusing all efforts on the artificial promotion of linguistic and literary fields and completely disregarding the nature and contents, and staying in the axioms.