Sociological analysis of the relationship between social quality and social exclusion in excluded groups in the outskirts of the cities of Mazandaran province
Subject Areas : Urban Sociological Studies
Leyla Forghani
Ali Rahmani Firoozjah
Sayed naser Hejazi
1 - Doctoral student of Department of Sociology, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran (corresponding author)
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Dehagan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehagan, Iran
Keywords: "social quality", "social exclusion", "excluded social groups" ."Mazandaran",
Abstract :
Social exclusion means deprivation of participation in social institutions, and civil rights, and the process of separation from the labor market, communities and social organizations. The present article has applied and sociological analysis of the relationship between social quality and social exclusion in marginalized groups in the outskirts. Its survey method and the most important data collection tool is a made researcher questionnaire .Cronbach's alpha of the variables is above 0.70. Content validity was used to measure the validity of items and questions. According to research findings, there is a significant negative relationship between social quality in three indicators of social cohesion, empowerment and socio-economic security with social exclusion. Social quality69 percent explains the percentage of reduction in social exclusion. In the meantime, social cohesion has the most effect on reducing exclusion from social relations and basic services, empowerment on reducing exclusion from neighborhood relations, and socio-economic security on reducing exclusion from financial resources.The total correlation between the variables is above average Social exclusion is different between men and women and there is a relationship between income and social exclusion. In general, as the social quality of marginalized groups increases, their social exclusion decreases.
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