The Study of expanding technological and knowledge-based activities on fortifying the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran (with emphasising on water and agricultural inputs )
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International RelationsAli Ansari 1 , mohammad ali basiri 2 , payam najafi 3
1 - PhD Student in International Relations, Shahreza Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza, Iran
2 - Department of Political Science, University of Isfahan
3 - Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan), Iran
Keywords: National Security, Food Security, Water crisis, Knowledge based, self sufficiency,
Abstract :
The issue of agriculture in Iran, especially in recent years, has been linked to the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran under the influence of issues such as international sanctions, successive droughts, transgenics, mismanagement and the like.This study examines national security based on the theories of the Copenhagen School and the theory of resistance economics. The research method is a cross-sectional survey method with two purposes of description and explanation. The study population is the managers and experts of knowledge-based and technology companies in the field. The sample size was selected according to Cochran's formula of 384 people. The measurement tools in this research included a researcher-made questionnaire to measure the formation of research variables.The results of the hypotheses showed that eliminating the security consequences of the water crisis in Iran by relying on the expansion of technological and knowledge-based activities will improve the security of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Also, self-sufficiency in agriculture and increasing the coefficient of food security by relying on the expansion of technological and knowledge-based activities will improve the security of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
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