Aggression of Turkey's foreign policy towards Syria between the years (2015 to 2020)
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationssiamak kakaei 1 , Sayed Jalal Dehghani FiruzAbadi 2 , Asadolah Athary 3
1 - Ph.D student, Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch
2 - Academic Member
3 - Head of the Department of Turkology at the Strategic Research Institute
Keywords: Turkey, Syria, ofencive realism, regional hegemony, ofencive politics,
Abstract :
The Syrian developments after 2011 led to the adoption of conflicting positions and policies by regional and international actors in the face of the unrest in this country. Turkey in the Syrian neighborhood organized and supported the Syrian opposition, which eventually led to military intervention. Such a move would not only complicate the Syrian crisis, rather, its domestic and regional consequences led to the aggression of Turkish foreign policy.This study seeks to investigate and answer the question of what are the factors influencing the aggressiveness of Turkey's foreign policy towards Syria between 2015 and 2020? In answer to this question, several factors are raised. That Turkish policy during this period was influenced by the increase in the activity of insurgent groups and proxy wars inside Syria and at the same time the political and military movements of the Kurds in the northern regions of the country. At the same time, Ankara sought to increase regional power, a combination of which has made Turkish foreign policy more involved. The research method is analytical-explanatory which uses data collection from books and documents. John Mersheimer's theory of aggressive realism is used to explain and analyze the subject of the research.
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