An examination of Donald Trump's foreign policy with an emphasis on the hegemony of the liberal world order
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationssara falahi 1 , Nosrat Heidari 2
1 - Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Ilam Branch
2 - Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Ilam Branch
Keywords: "foreign", "policy", " Trump", " hegemony", "liberal", " order",
Abstract :
Donald Trump's victory in the 2016 presidential election in the shadow of domestic and foreign slogans and deconstruction led many tentat government officials to discard foreign policy as a radical break with the discourse governing the foreign policy of its predecessors and the end Hegemony of the world order of liberalism. In order to study and analyze the above claim, the present study examines and analyzes Donald Trump's foreign policy. In this regard, the present research seeks to answer the fundamental question that Tramp's approach to the liberal world order How is foreign policy? In response to the above question, this hypothesis is argued that the foreign policy of Tramp with its predecessors is not material and intrinsic. Therefore, like other US presidents, who, from the Second World War, sought to maintain and strengthen the hegemony of liberal order, the following political strategy - First American security is not only seeking to undermine this order but also to create a new international liberal order with new ways, including breaking the current commitments of the United States by replacing new obligations. Given that research This is a qualitative research. Therefore, its research methodology is descriptive-analytic.
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