China’s Energy Security in the Direction of One Belt – One Road Initiative
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
Hadi Ajilit
mahdi salami
mehrdad fallahi
1 - Assistant professor, international relations department, Allameh Tabatabaei University.
2 - postgraduate student in East Asia studies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs University.
3 - Postgraduate student in European studies. Allameh Tabatabaei University.
Keywords: Central Asia, energy Security, Key words: China, New Silk Road, One Belt &ndash, One Road Initiative,
Abstract :
Abstract: The "One Belt-One Road" initiative was introduced by Chinese president Shi Jingping in September 2013. This plan consists of two parts: One New Silk Road and the second Sea Silk Route. China by introducing this plan is pursuing ambitious goals. These goals include economic growth, ensuring energy security, expansion of the sphere of influence, access to world markets and building cost effective transportation and transit routes. This project seeks to facilitate the transfer of energy and commodities to China and from China to other parts of the world within a short span of time. The sea route consists of two directions: First a route from the coasts of China through the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean to Europe and the second from the shores of China to the South Pacific Ocean. The question raised by the paper is "How the above said project will be effective and useful for China's energy security?" The underlying hypothesis is that China intends to implement this plan with the objective of establishing friendly relations with oil rich countries, creating different land and sea routes and diversifying its source of supply of energy and in this way ensures its energy security. The methodology used in the paper is descriptive-analytical.
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